Jan 22, 2011

Can I Be Random?

Haha! I'd just found out something interesting! Check this out!

*The dude and me had the same thing in mind*

And the the macro made me feel like this:


p/s: I got those from tumblr, I didn't know I can find alot of funny shit there. Hehe, now Imma go stalk someone's tumblr again..hehehe

This Is Booooooorrrinnggg..

I'm starting to think that the whole internet and the social network thingy are losing their appeal. Like, seriously these couple of days had been a major boredom *aside from being with my family which is AWESOME*. There's nothing for me to do, I sleep, take my bath, then pray, eat and then sleep again. Heck, I didn't even go to the toilet. And to make things worse, sites like Facebook doesn't really have anything for me to do with. My classmates aren't online *probably busy with their real life business (those freaking suckers..)* And being the only one online makes me all alone..*forever alone mode*..

What's odd is, I think I'm forgetting something REALLY important and might determine my future..But I just can't pinpoint it out..hmm

*just keep on refreshing the page..keep on refreshing..*