May 27, 2011

Thank You


Last night, I texted Orange again. I was wondering what she was doing (since she said she wanted to go back home since she had something to attend to). She told me that for the next 3 days, she's gonna off her phone since she doesn't have any charger to begin with. Then I thought to myself "aish, can I endure this?" *I know, that made me sounded like a wuss.sorry* I immediately posted a status on FB. But then the comments made my day.

*I just lol'ed at grandma Shila's comment. And to Freeda, thanks  for the advice :)*

I guess she was right when she said I should be concentrating on stabilizing myself for my future. I want Orange to know that she can count on me. But how can I do so? Simple, get a stable job, a good pay, a house and of course, a car. Then once I'm ready, I'll make my move.

p/s: I know Orange said whenever I like someone, I shouldn't put in too much hope towards the relationship. Well, I'm still doing it anyway, it's a sink or swim for me. If there is 'something" between us, then no matter what happens, our fate shall cross once more, and by that time, I'l be a whole different man.
Again, thanks for putting some sense into me Freeda. I'll always remember that advice of yours.

k that's it. assalamualaikum.