Jan 1, 2011

Study Time

Godamnit. I can't believe we're gonna be having a test this Monday. It still felt surreal whenever I think of it. *what? I have the right to think like that kay?* So, in hopes of not FLUNKING HARD during the test, Jin and yours truly decided that it would be best for us to go and study. And me *being a wise-crackin' genius* suggested to Jin to go and study at the library*of all places*. Unfortunately for us, the library was close due to the fact that it was holiday and of course, it was 1/1/11 *jeez*.

 *me and Jin was like "wait..what?*

Once again *being a wise-crackin' idiot(note the "idiot)* I suggested to Jin for us to go and study at the faculty instead. I was like "Dude, there's no one there, if you need to surf the net, that's the IT place for you to be" and my face was like:

*owh, confidence*

But unfortunately *it's for me this time*, Jin was surfing wayyyyyyyyyyy too much. *well, he did opened the wiki and search some stuff, but still..(okayyyy, I appreciate your help researching for the assignments, kay? It's for the teamm)*..

2 hours later *in french accent*

I fell asleep and Jin went back home. Conclusion? Study FAIL.

*I'm too sleepy to remember anything that I studied..*

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