May 14, 2011

I'm Dying To Know What The Annoying Orange Is Doing Right Now

Assalamualaikum all..

*I'm thinking of what Orange is doing right now...*

Coming back home for my mom this weekend is practically a boring experience ( I know, I'm with my family, so I wasn't expecting anything interesting to happen) While I was lying around on in my bed doing nothing. I started to think of Orange. I kept on wondering, "what is she doing right now? what would she do during her past time when she doesn't have any credits to reply to my text? maybe she already forget that I existed? should I call? but I might be interfering with her life if I do that.. what should I do?" no matter how I try to brush it off, I kept on thinking the same thing over and over again. I'm sure she thinks that I'm a nuisance right now. much about me not going to chase her..

 I'd wish I would have the ability to read other people's thoughts.. At least I don't need to go upside down topsy turvy just so that I can figure out what she is thinking. I mean, just yesterday I took a glimpsed at my phone like 35 time.. 35 TIMES I'm telling ya! Never once in my life I did that so many times. 

Then, a couple of day ago, while I was anxiously waiting for her to text (to no avail) Sasori saw how I acted. I remembered clearly what he said to me that time.. "Oi, kau ingat budak tu hak kau ke? Die tu ade life sendiri kau tau tak? Tak payah la kau nak mngharapkan die sentiase ade untuk kau! Nanti last2 die rase kau ni control sngt, trus die tak minat kau lagi dah!" Then after I manage to call Orange, Kakyoin said the same thing.. "bahaye la kau ni, asyik2 nk call die je. Kalau kau tak berenti, lame2 kau asyik2 nk call, last2 jadi tabiat. Susah kau nnt.."

Then let me ask you guys.. kalau aku tak text or call die, kalau die lupe aku macamane? Aku ni dah la takde rupe, pendek pulak tu. Kalau aku tak buat macamtu, takde pompuan yang sedar aku actually suke diorang. Nak buat bende lagi frust lagi, aku ni nak pakai ayat berbunga-bunga memang tak pandai! Kalau aku pakai ayat-ayat kejadah tu semua, aku rase si Oren ni pun akan gelak je kat aku. I mean.. aku tak rase, tapi aku TAU yang she would just think of it as a joke. Why? Because she a mature women, full of experience, making these kind of jokes with her buddies all the time, and of course, she can't look at me seriously because she has NO reason to look at me seriously just yet. I can't leave a heavy impression of my true feelings to her with me in this state. I guess that means I myself am not mature enough.

Now my question is.. How can I show her that I like her so much but at the same time NOT acting too desperate to get her attention?...My mind's all blurrryyyyy.....*sigh

assalamualaikum, kthanxbai

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