Jul 2, 2011

My Reason and The Birthday Wish

Assalamualaikum Oren. 

Kau mesti pelik kan aku buat satu entry yang memang khas didedikasikan untuk kau. *lulz tngok title pun tau sebab ape..* Kau tau tak, sekarang hati aku rasa happy sangat-sangat. Satu, aku happy sebab kau ingat aku emo dengan kau bila aku asyik tak angkat call kau. Haha, macam bodoh je reasonnye kan? Maybe sebab aku tau kau ni jenis yang tak ambik port pasal aku. Jadi bila kau tiba-tiba text aku malam tu, hati aku rasa senang pulak.. Lagi satu, sebabnye adalah...aku rasa kau pun mesti tau sebabnye kan..? Hohoho.

*muke gatal tak buleh blah* 

Haa, bukan salah aku okay sebab setiap kali kau call, aku mesti in the middle of doing something. Hari tu kau miss call aku 2 kali, *btw, aku tau limit kau untuk miss call aku dalam satu-satu masa mesti 2 kali je, hakhak, tak pernah lebih* masa tu aku ada dalam toilet. Adik aku tiba-tiba sibuk ketuk dari luar kata "Oren tepon!" Aku baru nak sruh dia angkat, kau dah tak call-call balik.. -.-''

*sedih sungguh ohh*

Then malam tu *not really malam, more like pagi la* kau call lagi, but this time I was eating my late supper *iye, aku tau makan malam-malam tu menggemukkan..* So, not wasting any time, aku terus call kau. :) You know what? The funny thing is, aku sentiasa teringat kat kau sepanjang cuti ni, in fact, I think you're always end up being in my head.

* I do not know why, haha*

BUT. *yes, that's a whole capital letter for you* I think the act of showing my affection for you every time would just make you feel uncomfortable. Aku suka kau sangat, sampaikan aku terlupa, kau ni manusia yang ada kehidupan sendiri, most of all you are a mature young women *although sometimes, you act so childishly haha* I can't be greedy and keep you all to myself. Ada orang lain yang berkemungkinan perlukan kau lebih daripada aku. That's why I tried not thinking about you too much. Haha, truthfully aku ingat aku boleh tahan lebih lama daripada 4 hari, but I guess aku tak cukup kesabaran. Silly me..


Another thing, masa aku call kau tu, suara macam lain sangat. Macam suara orang sedih je, haha. *okay, aku pikir banyak sangat ni* Oren. Aku nak kau tau, the only reason I would somehow got emo with you is because aku jadi jealous. That's it. There's no way aku akan reallllllly emo dengan kau. Sebab, I love you. It's simple as that. haha *I think it's normal for me to get jealous sometimes, since I'm sure a lot of guys have set their eyes on you too*
*I know there are other guys that's on to you right now*

Since aku taknak lari tajuk en, I just want to say happy birthday Orange! I hope you'll become pretty as always and moga Allah merahmati kau sepanjang masa. I hope your wish to become thinner would come true. HAHA *I'm a failure at being cynical.. -.-*.And aku harap kau boleh jumpa seorang lelaki mampu buat kau happy. *Is it wrong if I wished so hard that I could be that man? :)* Remember that I'll always be there for you, if you need me of course. :)

*Anytime babe, anytime*

p/s: I think you look pretty the first time I saw your pic, but now I think you look prettier in real life. Stay healthy Orange. Also,remember that I love you, that's all.


reaksi pembaca: 
*entry ni sangat gedik sampai kami muntah rainbow!!*

Aku: diam ah! suka hati aku la!.

p/s: kalau nk aku nyanyi, tepon aku! kahkah