Jul 5, 2011

Journey Towards One Piece


 Before reading this, let's watch some anime first.


I'm sure you guys are clueless even if you did watch the vid.
You see, untuk kipas susah mati manga/anime cam aku, One Piece is a living legacy that I dreamed of surpassing satu hari nanti. *Kan aku nak jadi freelance kartunis one day? Haha*

Why I said this, you wonder? As you know, dalam entry aku yang sebelum ni, aku ada tulis tentang kenapa aku suka One Piece. When I look back, I realized yang aku dah ambik tau pasal perkembangan cerita ni sejak 10 tahun dulu. It's a bit funny since mase aku mula-mula baca, aku tak paham ape pun, *ye la, aku budak kecik lagi kot..* Apa yang aku tau mase tu, "cite ni best! sbb ade banyak tumbuk2!" Haha, noob sungguh pemikiran ku dahulu..

*bende ni start tahun 1997 tau? 4 years later baru aku follow*

Then, as time went on, I learned about the characters and as me as the reader actually felt like I am accompanying them in their journey that 10 faithful years. And now, as I was chillin' around doing nothing, aku tengok balik cite ni dari mula-mula. I must say, it felt so nostalgic. It's like your childhood flashing in front of your eyes. 

 *the family-like relationship between the Strawhat pirates made me warm and fuzzy inside*

That's when I stumbled upon this vid. It's the 14 opening for the anime version. As I watch, that nostalgic feeling once again gets the better of me. Aku tak tau la kalau korang, tapi for me, kalau aku dah betul-betul follow pasal sesuatu cite tu, aku akan rasa seolah-olah aku ada attachment dengan setiap character tu. All the hardships that they endured somehow acts like a catalyst untuk aku buat benda yang sama dalam kehidupan harian aku. *you can see how much a manga can help in changing ones life*

*One of my favorite scene from the anime*

As I lay there, watching this vid, my tears actually rolled on my cheeks without me realizing it. It's as if my eyes acting on reflex. But I do know, I was actually feeling sad. This manga actually accompanied me on my very own journey. and I must say it was long. Maybe someday, once the manga ended, maybe that would be the time where I would finally be someone dependable. And I would use whatever I learned about life in this manga in order to succeed.

*Marco's(the dude in purple) will to fight for Ace's life was breathtaking*

*Ace's (Luffy's brother) death taught me that not everything would go as how we originally planned before*

I hope that one day, my grandchildren would ask me how I cope and went through my life as a person, and I'll just answered proudly "Atuk bace manga je." Haha. :)

*aku nak tengok macamne cucu2 aku tu react, kahkah*

Ape-ape hal, major props to Oda sensei sebab buat manga yang inspirational camni!


p/s Oda Eichihiro is truly a god among mangakas

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